Post 4: "My Bucket List"

I must admit that for me it is very difficult to try to make a bucket list or to generate goals in life, this because I feel that I am a person who is living day to day, like Memento Mori. But if I had to make my bucket list and think about things for the future, I feel that it would be something like finishing my studies, which I am achieving step by step with a bit of difficulty but it is possible, another goal would be to have my apartment to live in peace, I also want to travel and see different countries, maybe with some friends or family to share that experience, they are things that I would like to fulfill maybe at some point in my life if destiny allows it.

Creating a bucket list is like setting limits and practically planning parts of your life that nobody knows if they will come true, it is something difficult but if you stay positive, if you really believe in achieving those goals, you can do it, believe in yourself, surround yourself of people who fill you with good vibes and please live your life now, those things will happen in the course of day to day. I hope you can achieve each of your goals, I want to do it, I hope to do it and achieve my own goals one day, it would be something amazing. Greetings, stay positive and fill yourself with good vibes always <3


  1. Nicolas, your goals read quite mature, your thinking seems quite cool to me by not setting limits

  2. i hope you get your own place soon, it is so good to have a place that you can feel like your own

  3. You are absolutely right, ne should not focus on the future and the things one has to do. But seen in another way it is good to set goals to have an incentive to achieve things in the future life.

  4. hopefully you can have your own apartment! you should invite us to make the inauguration


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